Ghost Win 7 [x64] Final [Full soft+Driver+Full Update 2016+Menu Boot] - The ghost is made from ISO files - Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 [x64] original from microsoft does not omit any of the ingredients in order to create the most stable !!! - The ghost is made and processed on VMware Workstation virtual machine vs 12 + Combine Easy Sysprep 3.1 Final - There is a familiar form of the ghost, not personalize any information of the win, not mod theme, mod ko interface ensures installation KTV machine away from the lot number - the most comfortable to use !! ! - The soft has been updated in the latest ghost until the time of this post (20/06/2016). - Full Soft + Full / No Driver + Full Update 2016 (critical patches) + Full Menu Boot - make sure your machine is always the most secure and healthy !! - Full font Vietnam (by HSSM) + Full C ++ 2005 Microsoft Visua -2015 [x32 + x64] + Full row Adobe Flash! - Full Microsoft Visual J + + Full Menu Boot Microsoft Silverlight - Convenient for any ae like breaking win! : D - Full Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 + Full Direcxt 11 - support fight all games - play games do not stutter or lag machine. - Windows has been tweaked, optimized to ensure fast, smooth, and stable swallowing. - To meet all the needs of users: Entertainment, office, study, study .... - Optimize the process of extracting the maximum ghost, optimize windows, speed shutdown - boot hit the fastest - Automatically scan after garbage after drainage bung ghost + web browsers as well as startup, shutdown the computer - Make sure your machine is always clean. - The perfect combination between the two environments English and Vietnamese (Helping Vietnamese soft ko using faulty font - or more exacting) - Speed ??up surfing - surfing Facebook !! - Automatically change wallpaper Full HD than 20 different beautiful interface + fish swim Screensavers v2.0! - In the extraction process ghost: Windows + Office 2010 Pro Plus (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, Outlook) was automatically activate and refine accordance with office standards !! - The ghost install all types of machines from the old life to the newest, set for all main line (main line which of course must be supported to run win 7 or more ms ok). - Fix share files over LAN !!! - Goods quality, most stable - Ensure during use no blue screen errors! Office 2010 Pro plus Full Adobe Flash Play (NPAPI ActiveX + + PPAPI) - Supports movie player on the Web Adobe Shockwave Player 12.2 Google Chrome 51.0 - Web Browser is the most popular super speed IDM 6:25 Build 21 - Submit Downloads No. 1 - not defective permanently Activate Fake Serial Number + Preset Vietnamese for Vietnamese like to use you yet. CCleaner Pro v5.18.5607 - out garbage and optimized for Windows - Update online ga when version ms - ko lo activate release SumatraPDF 3.1.1 - Support lightweight PDF reader K-Lite Codec Pack 12.1.5 FULL - Supports all formats read music, movies ExtremeCopy v2.3.4 - Software supports copy and move the current fastest (faster than Tetra Copy) Zalo 1.2.3 Portable TeamViewer Portable 11 Corporate Unikey 4.2 RC4 - Support Vietnamese typing Microsft Office 2010 Pro Plus (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, Outlook) was automatically activate and refine accordance with standard office !! Font VN Basic - Complete Font Vietnamese Premium UltraISO V9.65 - burn ISO tool hottest !!! Unlocker 1.9.2 - Delete stubborn files! 5:40 WinRAR beta 2 [x64] Final - Submit unpack most popular .NET Framework 4.6.1 libraries Microsoft Visual C ++ Library C ++ 2005 to 2015 Microsoft Visual J # ® 2.0 + Silverlight 5.1.41212 USB Disk Security v6.5 - Scans and cleans viruses when connected to USB Your Uninstaller Pro 7.5 - Uninstall powerful software - root! Defraggle 2.21.993 - Defragment the hard drive and the strongest possible